Students standing for traditional values, the faith of our fathers, and our constitutional republic.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Forrest Research projects these being the top-10 jobs in demand over the next 10 years:

1. Waiters and waitresses
2. Janitors and cleaners
3. Food preparation
4. Nursing aides, ordinaries, and assistants
5. Cashiers
6. Customer service representatives
7. Retail salesperson
8. Registered nurses
9. General and operational managers
10. Postsecondary teachers

As Lou Dobbs rightly points out, only three of these require a college degree.

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Dorr, Michigan, United States
Owner of PaleoRadio LLC, previously heard on WOLY, WOCR, and WPRR. He has served as chief aide to N.J. League of American Families president John Tomicki, was the president of Olivet Young Americans for Freedom, recognized/honored by Leadership Institute as one of the top-conservative student activists in the country; Currently on hiatus to write a book about his daughter’s life & death with childhood cancer.

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