BUSH: "The United States has no right, no desire, and no intention to impose our form of government on anyone else."
PALEO: I am curious then as to how you explain saying that our aim is "build" preserve free and independent nations, with democratic governments answerable to their citizens. This isn't the government they had before. A secular democracy, one which is "encouraged" by you and others, is a form of government entirely alien to their people. There is no precedent here. It is, in its most basic form, an imposition of an alien system upon an alien people.
BUSH: "Our aim is to build and preserve a community of free and independent nations, with governments that answer to their citizens, and reflect their own cultures."
PALEO: Why did this sentiment not fly with Palestine, Syria, or Iran? What happens when Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood, or Hizballah get the majority vote? What happens if Saudia Arabia were to become democratic? Would we settle for Sharia in Iraq or Afghanistan? What if Al Qaeda received a popular vote in Pakistan or Indonesia? We have expectations, and we will not permit the people to speak were they to vote in favor of such ideologies.
BUSH: "Our generational commitment to the advance of freedom, especially in the Middle East, is now being tested and honored in Iraq."
PALEO: Our generational commitment? Who committed us? Certainly not the brave men who put their lives on the line to create an independent Republic. This is Wilsonian to the core, having no precedent in the historical American tradition.
BUSH: "That country is a vital front in the war on terror, which is why the terrorists have chosen to make a stand there."
PALEO: No, Iraq is a distraction. Iraq was not necessary. And terrorists are there because we are there. If we were in Saudi Arabia, they would be there. If we were in Syria, Pakistan, or Iran, they would be there. They believe that we are evil, granted; but when an "evil" is in their front yard, they take it personal. They feel, as would we, that these military actions are an affront on their religion and their culture. The only difference is that they, unlike us, take their religion and culture very serious.
BUSH: "Our men and women in uniform are fighting terrorists in Iraq so we do not have to face them here at home."
PALEO: This flies in the face with what you said earlier in your admission that terrorists are entering this country through our borders. You readily admit that they are not only "over there," but also "over here." The only problem is that our troops are over there and not over here. If terrorists wish to hurt us, they must be here. They can only get here through borders, immigration, visitations, and work visas. But what have we done to stop them from using these means to enter our country? Nothing.
BUSH: "Freedom in Iraq will make Americans safe for generations to come."
PALEO: We were safe from Iraqis when they weren't free. Iraqis could be foaming at the mouth and burning our flags all they want, so long as they do so over there. Our security from such radicalism, something that was relatively uncommon in pre-war Iraq, will only come from securing our borders, protecting our coasts, checking imports, and crunching down on who we let in this country.
BUSH: "We are in Iraq to achieve a result: A country that is democratic, representative of all its people, at peace with its neighbors, and able to defend itself."
PALEO: The goalposts have changed so many times, the American people are getting dizzy! Take down Saddam. Check. Weapons of Mass Destruction? Didn't work out the way we were promised. Setting up a government. Check. Helping rebuild infrastructure. Check. Arming and training a police force. Check. Elections. Check. Now these? Seriously, we are acting more like the Peace Corp than the US Military. These standards are not only high, they are utopian.
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