American students are feeling more and more guilt with every passing day. This is especially true among white, Christian, heterosexual, conservative males. Whether we are made to feel guilty for slavery, gender inequalities, unfair money distribution, homophobia, religious pride, or the fact that we were born with a male sex organ, the left in America is working long and hard to make us feel as if we have done something wrong. Worse yet, they insist that we are the problem!
So the Diversophiles and Multiculturecrats have set in place an endless number of "programs" to help us in realizing just how bad we really are. Sure, we don't realize it yet, but after a few sensitivity training sessions in group think and guilt manipulation we should be mentally and emotionally vulnerable for anything they throw our way
Here is the rap sheet: Slavery? Yep, our fault. White Americans were the only people to have ever owned slaves in human history. Gender inequalities? Certainly that is the result of wicked white men conspiring with one another! Homophobia? Of course. I mean, it has nothing to do with the fact that we sincerely believe that homosexuality is unnatural, immoral, and dangerous to society! Religious pride? Ah, at last we realize that all religions are equal and that there is no hierarchy among their espoused morals or truth claims. Being born men? Well, this may be tough to fix, but as long as we are in touch with our feminine side and realize that egalitarian equality is the way of the day, then all is well.
Granted, I am being sarcastic here. Still, this is not as uncommon as we may think. This is especially true within academia. The goal is no longer liberal arts; no, the goal is leftist indoctrination. They don't want to give students the skills to better themselves; no, they want to mandate attendance to seminars that reprogram the way students think about themselves, their families, their heritage, their race, their economic status, their sexuality, their religion, and the world they live in. We are talking about a comprehensive overhaul of a student's world and life view. For the leftists, nothing short of this will suffice.
It is for this reason that students must stand up and fight for what they believe to be true, what they know to be true. Why be ashamed of your forefathers? Why be ashamed of your heritage and traditions? Why be afraid to speak publicly about your religion, without fear of retribution? Why be coaxed into believing that homosexuality is natural, moral, and safe? Why? Because guilt manipulation is a powerful weapon, and the left knows it.
Unless white, Christian, heterosexual, conservative males begin standing up for what they believe in their heart of hearts to be true, I don't see their being any change of the ideological tide any time soon. In fact, I think that we'd be left with nothing more than a dirge and a funeral procession for an American once so beautiful...
So the Diversophiles and Multiculturecrats have set in place an endless number of "programs" to help us in realizing just how bad we really are. Sure, we don't realize it yet, but after a few sensitivity training sessions in group think and guilt manipulation we should be mentally and emotionally vulnerable for anything they throw our way
Here is the rap sheet: Slavery? Yep, our fault. White Americans were the only people to have ever owned slaves in human history. Gender inequalities? Certainly that is the result of wicked white men conspiring with one another! Homophobia? Of course. I mean, it has nothing to do with the fact that we sincerely believe that homosexuality is unnatural, immoral, and dangerous to society! Religious pride? Ah, at last we realize that all religions are equal and that there is no hierarchy among their espoused morals or truth claims. Being born men? Well, this may be tough to fix, but as long as we are in touch with our feminine side and realize that egalitarian equality is the way of the day, then all is well.
Granted, I am being sarcastic here. Still, this is not as uncommon as we may think. This is especially true within academia. The goal is no longer liberal arts; no, the goal is leftist indoctrination. They don't want to give students the skills to better themselves; no, they want to mandate attendance to seminars that reprogram the way students think about themselves, their families, their heritage, their race, their economic status, their sexuality, their religion, and the world they live in. We are talking about a comprehensive overhaul of a student's world and life view. For the leftists, nothing short of this will suffice.
It is for this reason that students must stand up and fight for what they believe to be true, what they know to be true. Why be ashamed of your forefathers? Why be ashamed of your heritage and traditions? Why be afraid to speak publicly about your religion, without fear of retribution? Why be coaxed into believing that homosexuality is natural, moral, and safe? Why? Because guilt manipulation is a powerful weapon, and the left knows it.
Unless white, Christian, heterosexual, conservative males begin standing up for what they believe in their heart of hearts to be true, I don't see their being any change of the ideological tide any time soon. In fact, I think that we'd be left with nothing more than a dirge and a funeral procession for an American once so beautiful...
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