Students standing for traditional values, the faith of our fathers, and our constitutional republic.

Saturday, December 8, 2007


Well, a certain Genia over at Sisters Talk thinks so. See for yourself.

Here is the comment I left under that post:

A little Rush Limbaugh in the making. Flattering, but Rush Limbaugh would hate my guts. I didn't vote for Bush in 04; I don't like NAFTA or any of the other major "free trade" agreements; I support a very libertarian view of immigration; and I have been an outspoken opponent of the Iraq invasion and occupation. Needless to say, he doesn't care much for fusionists like me.

I would be interested to know what comments I made that were so disturbing. The two videos you posted are relatively tame.

btw- I'd love it if you actually called my program. I promise I'd treat you with honor and respect, regardless of any disagreements we may (and obviously) have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I will take you up on the challenge to call your show. Do you have an "editorial calendar" that tells me what topics you will discuss on any given day?



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Dorr, Michigan, United States
Owner of PaleoRadio LLC, previously heard on WOLY, WOCR, and WPRR. He has served as chief aide to N.J. League of American Families president John Tomicki, was the president of Olivet Young Americans for Freedom, recognized/honored by Leadership Institute as one of the top-conservative student activists in the country; Currently on hiatus to write a book about his daughter’s life & death with childhood cancer.

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