Students standing for traditional values, the faith of our fathers, and our constitutional republic.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
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- Paleocrat
- Dorr, Michigan, United States
- Owner of PaleoRadio LLC, previously heard on WOLY, WOCR, and WPRR. He has served as chief aide to N.J. League of American Families president John Tomicki, was the president of Olivet Young Americans for Freedom, recognized/honored by Leadership Institute as one of the top-conservative student activists in the country; Currently on hiatus to write a book about his daughter’s life & death with childhood cancer.
- Acton Institute
- American Conservative
- Atheism Sucks
- Chronicles Magazine
- Honor Bound
- Leadership Institute
- National Conservatives
- National YAF
- Olivet College (MI)
- Olivet's Paleo Radio YouTube
- Paleoconservatist
- Southern Avenger
- The American Conservative
- UM-YAF Blog
- VDare
- YAF Michigan
Hey! I forgot how I even stumbled across your blog, but I found it so intriguing that I saved it to my favorites, and visit every so often to watch your videos. I'm not sure exactly what your religious beliefs are, but I appreciate your method and ability to communicate clearly. If you're a Christian, and haven't heard of it, you might be interested in a website called "Stand To Reason" ("). Please also feel free to visit my blog at ( I used to write articles pertaining mostly to faith or philosophy. More recently, I use it to post anything I've written or am currently working on, from poetry to fiction. Anyway, keep up the fight!
Thank you for your remarks.
A. I am a very devout and traditional Roman Catholic.
B. I have heard of Stand to Reason and appreciate much of the work that they do, regardless of our doctrinal disagreements.
C. I enjoy your poetry. My MySpace blog is dedicated to writing along those lines. Somewhere between stream of conscience journal entries and poetry. Maybe...
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